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24 imagesDuring the summer of 2014, my wife, Laura and I traveled to Madagascar for our honeymoon. It was a once in a lifetime trip to an amazingly unique place. Check back frequently as I will be updating this gallery with photos from our journey. For all you photography nerds, all photos were taken with a Fujifil XT-1 and various Fujinon glass. Thanks for checking out the photos and share it if you like it! Thanks.
14 imagesSEE ALL THE PHOTOS: >enter the password provided to you on Halloween. Thanks for joining us the past Halloween! Here are the photos for your personal use. If you would like to SHARE on Facebook, etc, I would appreciate it if you use the share links from my site! OR feel free to credit me in the photos as "©Christian Columbres" PRINTS! are available if you visit the "add to cart link" Thanks again and we hope to next year!